New Callsign every Saturday !
TM0CR Every Saturday from january 15th 2022
From 80m to 10m
With Collins line (KWM-2, 32S-3, 75S-3, KWM380, 618T, PRC47,...)
Operated by F4GMM with Collins rigs
Two special event calls from the European Collins Collector Association to comemorate the 30th anniversary of the Art Collins’s death 1987 - 2017.W0CXX was the callsign of Art Collins.
II0CXX operated by IK0IXI
from march 1st to may 31th
TM0CXX operated by F6FMT, F6HOY
every saturdays from march 11th to april 27th

Special event calls on the air.From marh 9th 2017
TM6CR every Thursday
(net on 14.263 Mhz at 3:00 PM local time in Paris)

New event calls !

Once more, the European Collins Collector Association is proud and honored to come on the air from november 24th 2016 with new special event calls TM5CR and TM2CR
Operated by: F6FMT, F6HOY, F4DIA, F6AQU, F6CER
Join us in The European Collins Collector Association NET ( C.C.A.E )
around 7.165 Mhz every saturday morning at 10:00 UTC with TM5CR net control ( french and english language )and around 14.263 Mhz every thursday at 02:00 PM UTC with TM2CR ( most in english language )
C.C.A.E et les indicatifs TM5CR TM2CR
Tous les samedis autour de 7,165Mhz à 10:00 TUTous les jeudis autour de 14,263Mhz à 14:00 TU

Le log du CCAE en ligne...
300 members and 6 years old ! TM300CCAE

Once more, the European Collins Collector Association is proud and honored to come on the air from september 24th 2016 with new very special event call sign TM300CCAE
6 years, 300 members in all Europe ...and a little more..
Join us in The European Collins Collector Association NET ( C.C.A.E )
around 7.165 Mhz every saturday morning at 09:00 AM UTC with TM300CCAE net control ( french and english language )and around 14.263 Mhz every thursday at 01:00 PM UTC with TM300CCAE ( most in english language )
C.C.A.E Runde
Jeden Samstag bei 7,165 MHz um 11.00 Uhr, Ortszeit Paris ( Leitung TM300CCAE )und Donnerstagabend 14,263 MHz um 15.00 Uhr, Ortszeit Paris.( Leitung TM300CCAE )
C.C.A.E et TM300CCAE
Tous les samedis autour de 7,165Mhz à 9:00 TUTous les jeudis autour de 14,263Mhz à 13:00 TU

Le log du CCAE en ligne...
TM6CCAE on air !
Nice video from PE7B .... TM6CCAE (special event call) working stations on 40m J3E. Received on a home-made regenerative receiver which uses a 6SH2P pentode (=Soviet version of the 6AS6) in its detector stage, and a "HT" voltage of just 18V (2x PP3 wired in series).Pour ses 6 ans le C.C.A.E devient une véritable Association Européenne de Collectionneurs de matériels Collins !
C.C.A.E is opening new chapters for the six birthday becoming a real European Collins Association !
Le C.C.A.E évolue !
De plus en plus de membres, de plus en plus d’enthousiastes, de plus en plus d’infos !
Le C.C.A.E évolue en une véritable Association Européenne avec des relais actifs dans chaque pays Européens.
• Après l’Italie avec animé par Fabio (IK0IXI), c'est maintenant l'Espagne avec animé par EA3AER.
Vous y trouverez, en Italien et en Espagnol, des informations régionales sur du Collins, des articles techniques, des expériences,…
• Le QSO du CCAE est activé le jeudi sur 14.263Mhz 15h00Loc avec une vocation plus large.
Pour ses 6 ans le C.C.A.E devient une véritable Association Européenne de Collectionneurs de matériels Collins !
C.C.A.E is growing-up !
More and more members, more and more enthusiasts, more and more infos !
C.C.A.E is growing-up in a real European Association with new "Chapters" in each European country.
• Coming first: Italy with managed by Fabio (IK0IXI)
• And now: Spain with managed by EA3AER.
• European Net on 14.263Mhz, every thursday at 15h00 local time in Paris.
C.C.A.E is opening new chapters for the six birthday becoming a real European Collins Association !

II0CR was on air in december from CCAE ITALY.
Managed by Fabio (IK0IXI) from the CCAEITALY chapter with his nice Collins KWM2-A.
• All the log is on

September 27th 2015
Thanks to all visitors !
CCAE with superb Collins: 32S1 75S3C 312B4 KWM2A PM2 30L1 KWM2 312B5 62S1 490E 302C3 SM1 SM2 SM3 and more...

TM5CR on the air !
Special event call
From september 29th to december 5th 2015
TM5CR is operated by :
Look QSO on the log...

TM200CCAE on the air !
Special event call to welcome our 200th member
From april 11th to july 7th 2015
TM200CCAE is operated by :
Look QSO on the log...

TM0CR on the air !
Special event call on the air !
From april 11th to july 7th 2015
TM0CR is operated by :
Look QSO on the log...

Salon de Clermont (Oise) - HamFest in Clermont
March 7th 2015
Le CCAE était présent bien sûr avec son stand, ses flyers, sa grande banderole et du beau matériel Collins.
Gérard F6FMT, Albert ON6DU, Michel F6AQU, Philippe F1OLP avec le logo du CCAE en bandoulière ,...
Des rencontres enrichissantes autour de la radio et des matériels Collins...
CCAE team with nice Collins Radio.
Video from F6CDX Jean-Pierre

Brocante à RENAIX Belgique - HamFest in RENAIX Belgium
November 9th 2014
La section UBA – RSX de RENAIX a organisé sa cinquième BROCANTE de matériels radioamateur et appareils à TUBES.
Le CCAE y était, bien sur, avec Gérard, F6FMT.
Dimanche 9 novembre 2014 en Belgique chez nos amis ON.

La Louvière HAMFEST 2014 in Belgium
September 28th 2014
Le CCAE y était avec son stand de Collins, ses flyers, ses conseils, sa passion animée par Gérard, F6FMT.
Dimanche 28 septembre 2014 en Belgique chez nos amis ON.
Look on the nice video from F6CDX...